Big analytics tHrough IIoT and blockchaIN technoloGies for Smart MAintenance Strategies (SMASHING)

SMASHING project (RTI2018-094614-B-I00) proposes the development of prescriptive maintenance methodologies in industrial plants, but also in industrial services for other businesses, like HVAC, water, energy, and so on, in commercial and residential buildings.

This innovative strategy will consider the effect of production operations on the industrial assets state and will predict the future asset state, on the basis of the current data and the planned production.

Consequently, harmonized maintenance and production schedules to increase operating life of assets and reduce total costs will be generated. Moreover, guidelines for implementation will be developed, looking to extend the research to other environments (transferability of results). This is not just a technical proposal, but it includes the managerial dimension at organizational level, which is critical for providing such integrated perspective.


Miguel Gutiérrez
Miguel Gutiérrez